Heidi’s love of yoga began with her grandmother who was a keen yoga enthusiast and often took Heidi along to yoga classes with her as a child. She was still showing off her yoga moves aged 97. Heidi has practised yoga herself ever since in varying degrees and styles. In the last 10 years it has been Ashtanga and Vinyasa flow yoga that firmly embedded her passion and understanding of the benefits of yoga to your physical, mental and emotional health, and led her to become a yoga teacher. Heidi is also an artist. As well as delivering creative yoga retreats, meditative drawing, and workshops Heidi works at the Arts University Bournemouth teaching Costume and Performance Design. She loves teaching and sharing her passion with her students and brings the same love with her to her yoga teaching and practise. She works with music in her art workshops and loves to practise Yoga with music too. Her approach is holistic, creative and nurturing.